Welcome to NMC India Mango festival
नए भारत की मिठास , भारत आम महोत्सव के साथ

About NMC Mango Festival

The NMC India Mango Festival is an annual celebration dedicated to the king of fruits “Mango”. The Festival organised every year display different varieties of Mangoes produced by Farmers as well as the Horticulture Departments & Agriculture Universities in India. The aim of this Festival is to educate people about different varieties of Mangoes and to promote the most important and widely cultivated fruit in the tropical world.

The NMC India Mango Festival has become a highly anticipated event that attracts numerous mango enthusiasts, horticulturists, farmers, from Several places. This festival serves as a platform to celebrate our National fruit Mango and highlight its diverse varieties, cultural significance, and economic value and promote the agricultural heritage of our nation mangoes.

This festival has the participation of Farmers, Horticulture departments from different places where they come together and display traditional, hybrid and unique varieties of Mangoes produced by them. This equally promotes the Mango export and also motivate farmers. The festival also play a important role in showcasing different varieties of mangoes along with demonstrating the innovative products that can be derived from mangoes.

Do you Know ?

Mangoes were first grown in India over 5,000 years ago

The wild mango is thought to have originated in the foothills of the Himalayas in India and Myanmar. The first known cultivation of the fruit was around 5,000 years ago in Southern India, Myanmar, and the Andaman Islands (an archipelago in the Bay of Bengal)

India Mango Festival 2023

Celebrities at India Mango Festival 2023

Dignitaries at India Mango Festival 2023

Press Release

Mango festival 25th July 2023


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